Guidelines To Purchasing A Home

Everyone dreams of owning their own home, but for a first time home-owner the task may seem overwhelming. While transactions.

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Emerging Trends In Home Ownership

“A man’s home is his castle”. This is a popular phrase that captures how most of us feel about our.

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The Importance Of Knowledge Management To Your Business

Recently at a workshop with one of my clients, an older employee commented ‘Its strange, that you would have to come here and teach us this topic, since many years ago we were the leaders in these tasks and could have taught others. What happened?’ His comment directly brought attention to Knowledge Management (KM). It […]

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Is Your Real Estate Business A Career Or Vocation

Recently I came across the quotations below, in an article on vocation, and it led me to think of the difference between career and vocation. “Before you tell your life what you intend to do with it, listen to what it intends to do with you. Before you tell your life what truths and values […]

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Strategic Marketing In A Changing Market

Marketing experts tell us that times of market change usher in opportunities for newer or smaller players to upend established market leaders by finding new services to meet the new conditions. Trinidad & Tobago Real Estate Market is going through one such change. Within the last couple of years we have moved from a seller’s […]

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Two Doves and Making Customers Happy

A few weeks ago, a large, white tip tail dove made her nest on one of the rafters of our roof. This was followed by two young chicks squawking in eager anticipation of food, whenever the mother returned to her nest. We in the house watched steadily the development of the young birds as they […]

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The ‘Cloud’ & It’s Benefits To Your Business

The World of Business is Changing Depending on which side of the digital world you belong you tend to see things differently. If you are like me and grew up in the 20th Century, we marvel at the speed of change towards mobile technology, such as mobile phones and tablets. Those who grew up in […]

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Climate Change

Within the past year the issue of Climate Change has come to concern me because of the experiences of many persons close to me. First, a close friend of mine lost his house and his business in St Maarten due to the devastating hurricane Irma. Then another close family member decided to temporarily take in […]

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Digital Advertising or Traditional Advertising

Recently much to the surprise of everyone in the Advertising Industry, there appeared in the news, an investigation into Sir Martin Sorrell, the talkative head of the Global Advertising giant, WPP Group. This was followed a few weeks later by his resignation. As the head of WPP he had good insights into what was happening […]

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Technology is overhauling Property Management…Are you keeping up?

Recently heard on BBC radio that India discovered some prehistoric tools, predating the usual timeline for Homo Sapiens, our human species. Apparently it was a big thing because tools are considered technology and the thought that other homo species were mastering technology before the Sapiens gave archaeologists a jolt. This is because the widely accepted […]

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