Being Part of the Digital Economy

Recently, our office, which is one unit of an office complex, got new business neighbours. They are a regional branch of a multinational business organization. They replaced another regional branch of another global organization, which moved into more prestigious offices in Port-of-Spain. The motto on our new neighbor’s website reads ‘Strategic Advisors for the Digital […]

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Success Is Coming Your Way…Be Open To It

Daniel Kahneman, a psychologist and behavioral scientist who won the 2002 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences has claimed the following as his favourite equation: Success = talent + luck Great Success = a little more talent + a lot of luck And in the bestselling book, Outliners, written by Malcolm Gladwell, the central thesis […]

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“Nudge Theory” and How to use it in your Real Estate Practice

Richard Thaler, the father of “nudge theory”, has been awarded the Nobel Economic Prize for 2017. His concept is a relatively simple idea that overturns decades of economic theory assumptions. For years, economic theory was built on the assumption that people act in their own financial self-interest. Well research has shown that we do not. […]

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Marketing Your Real Estate Practice with a One Page Marketing Plan, at little of no cost

Today’s Real Estate market is very competitive and would be clients have a range of agents from which to choose. Whether you are a one-person independent Real Estate Agent or part of a Broker Team, you must have an individual Marketing Plan to help you stand out in a crowded field. Before going off and […]

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Making Sales Plans & Sales Reports Work for You

Making Sales Plans & Sales Reports Work for You One of the most tedious tasks for Sales Managers is to get Sales Agents to prepare Sales Plans and Sales Reports. There seems to be universal avoidance by Sales Agents to complete their Plans and Reports. There are so many excuses: I am busy I am […]

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Mobile Internet Technology is Changing the Real Estate Industry

Mobile Internet Technology is changing the Real Estate Industry Recently I had the good fortune of meeting with an old friend who is now a senior executive at a leading Canadian bank, that operates in T&T. And what he told me had me thinking. To paraphrase him ‘Banking is now a technology business and most […]

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Climate Change is Here, Let’s Prepare

Climate Change is Here, Let’s Prepare Are you as astounded like me with the: Record heat wave in October An Unusually dry October Unusually Rough Seas Unusually High tides If these are the first salvos of ‘Climate Change’ then we are in for some serious challenges. And this is significantly important for the Real Estate […]

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$TT3.7B In Suspicious Activity But…No Convictions Yet

Between 2011 and 2015, the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) analysed 2,341 Suspicious Activity Reports with a dollar value of approximately TT$3.7 Billion. However, to date there have been no convictions in connection with Money Laundering offences. This was on Thursday revealed by David West, Director of the Police Complaints Authority (PCA). West was delivering the […]

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To Buy or Not To Buy

Many people are asking if this is a good time to invest in Real Estate seeing that Trinidad and Tobago are in a recession. Before answering that question, it would be wise to look at some of the advantages of investing in Real Estate while bearing in mind that investments in Real Estate are generally […]

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The Relationship Between Demand & Market Value

David Bally B.Sc.(Hons) MRICS MISTT – Submitted: July 3, 2016 The time value of money suggests that it is better to receive money now than in the future. Therefore, when it comes to lending, financial institutions usually want to know how long a collateral property will take to sell, should the mortgagor default on the loan. […]

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