Real Estate Industry Awaits Approval

While we are all anxious to return to work, the safety of our agents and clients, are of the utmost importance to us, and therefore we must await the official word from the Minister of Health.

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Vaccinate to Operate

We also wish to remind our members that you must receive your second jab and wait fourteen days after, before being considered fully Vaccinated.

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T&T Real Estate Market 2021 | Part 1

Part One | Pandemic-Triggered TrendsThere is one fact that we can always count on.  Nothing happens without consequences.  Even if they are not seen or felt for a time while events play out, the point will come when an informed eye will spot the trends and begin to make sense of them.Let us apply this […]

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T&T Real Estate Market 2021 | Part 2

Part Two | Real Estate Sector Post-Pandemic Recovery PlanPart One of this article ended on a note of encouragement for the private sector to begin immediately the task of recovering from the almost two-year lockdown of the real estate sector. As a non-essential service under present classifications, agents have been prevented from going out to […]

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Overview of Home Mortgage Process 101 | Stage 1

Stage One: Pre-Qualify for a Mortgage LoanThis is the first of three articles on how to apply for a mortgage in Trinidad & Tobago.Buying a home is a huge financial commitment and can be daunting, especially for a first-time buyer. Unless you are lucky enough to be a cash buyer, which is rare, you will […]

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Overview of Home Mortgage Process 101 | Stage 2

Stage 2 | Applying for a Mortgage Loan In Part One of this three-part article we showed how to pre-qualify for a mortgage loan from your bank or credit union.

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Overview of Home Mortgage Process 101 | Stage 3

Stage Three | Completion of Purchase In Parts One and Two of this three-part article we showed how to pre-qualify for a mortgage loan, find a property within budget and make formal application for that loan.

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